Modular street furniture and the revival of outdoor social spaces

Modular street furniture and the revival of outdoor social spaces

We find ourselves with ever-changing high streets with more shops closing, banks transitioning to online-only services, and boards going up in windows daily. In the online age, we’re interacting digitally with goods and services and less so physically as time goes on. The positive note is that this convenience we’ve inherited has made space for things like eateries, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops. It’s less of the death of the high street and more of the transformation into something approximating a social hub in waiting. Now is the time to invest in the revival of outdoor social spaces with modular furniture and turn our streets into bustling hives of activity.  

Why choose modular street furniture? 

Pro Social 

Modular street furniture is ideal for cultivating a social hub as all the pieces can be interlinked, meaning that users are never far away from each other. Seating can be made plentiful so groups, duos, and families aren’t waiting for a space to open up before they can sit together. In addition, table sections can be added to provide ample space for people to sit and eat together, and play cards, chess, and other communal games. The nature of modular furniture allows for a diverse array of activities for any area, promoting socialising and communal meetings.  

Fits like a glove 

Whether you’re working within a confined space or a vast area, modular street furniture can be configured to suit the pre-existing landscape. This means there’s no need to remove any trees or preexisting landmarks, it can be simply woven into the tapestry that is your town or city street. You get the benefit of bespoke work at prefab prices with all the customisation and none of the drawbacks. Read our article on retrofitting with modular furniture to delve deeper into this topic.

Eco credentials 

Modular street furniture sections have well-laid-out production plans and are manufactured frequently so this means more refined processes and less material wastage. There’s also the ability to combine features like planters, tables, and litter bins into the seating so there’s no need to purchase multiple standalone items. Combine all of this with responsibly sourced materials and you have green credentials that would make Mother Nature blush.  

Caribou modular street furniture made of recycled plastic


A quick fix 

When it comes to repairs or replacement a single section can be removed and replaced with an identical section. This cuts the downtime for these installations in the event of damage or breakages. They’re also easier and faster to replace than traditional street furniture, requiring less labour and time. With the ability to swap out individual sections, this extends the lifespan of the furniture exponentially. 

Greening the grey 

It couldn’t be easier to add some nature to the town and city streets with modular furniture. Planter sections can be added to include shrubbery, plants, flowers, and even trees, making the environment that little bit more inviting. It’s not just great for the people using the furniture, it’s also ideal for biodiversity and encouraging the local wildlife.  

Cranleigh Modular Steel Planter

Shorter timelines and better results 

Modular street furniture is far more expedient when it comes to specifying, as all the components can be hand-picked to suit the space and there’s no back-and-forth over designs and dimensions. They’re also faster to get onto site than traditional furniture as the production process is at a higher level of efficiency. Again, it’s an out-of-the-box solution that provides all the perks and features of a bespoke piece with no extended timelines or faffing about.  

The effects of a quality outdoor social space 

An aesthetically pleasing, nature-embracing, comfortable social space is irresistible to the public, and with good reason. It allows us to get the social juices flowing while being surrounded by some elements of nature that are sorely missed in many people’s lives. If you’re looking to drive foot traffic back to the high street, there’s no better way of making that happen. 

Another fortunate byproduct of a great communal space is an increase in patronage of local businesses. When the autopilot of commuters is turned off for a rest on a bench, it allows them to reconnect with their surroundings. They in turn notice a coffee shop they’ve not tried yet, a shop they never noticed was there, or a restaurant that’s suspiciously busy on a Monday afternoon.  

In a world moving at as rapid a pace as ever, it’s good to give everyone a reason to stop for a while, take it all in, and relax with some friends or family. There’s no better way to make that happen than with modular street furniture.