Furniture designed for life

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Street furniture for living places


Landmarks impact on social spaces

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Sourcing responsibly and locally

Where possible we aim to keep all of the materials and manufacturing process within the UK. This minimises the environmental impact of our furniture while maintaining high-quality workmanship.

About Us

Changing the UK streetscape one project at a time

At Landmark Street Furniture we aim to transform public and private spaces into greener, more inviting locations through innovative and sustainable street furniture.

We take a design-led approach to projects, utilising our experienced team’s knowledge of ergonomics, aesthetics, and materials. We are problem solvers at heart, passionate about improving the spaces we share while increasing accessibility for all.

The materials we choose for our street furniture undergo extensive scrutiny to ensure they hit three key points. Those key points are that they are sustainable, provide the best experience for the user, and will stand the test of time.